What I need today

What I need today

What I need today

Choose what is true for you today in terms of how you feel and the hours you slept.

For the rest of the statements check which are true or not true for you right now.

You can print out your summary results and links to any relevant resources at the end.

How are you feeling?

This resource may be helpful to improve your mood WellCan.

How many hours did you sleep?

If you need help getting enough sleep, check out the ideas here.

I have enough food to eat

I have a safe place to live

I have a friend or family member who cares about me

This is a gift

Here is help to make this statement true:

I have interesting things to do

I am physically healthy

Health is wealth

Here is help to make this statement true:

I can deal with my stress well

My skillset would be valued in different jobs

This gives you choices

Here is help to make this statement true:

I am clear about my dreams and goals

I have the ability to find another job if I choose

This is a good quality

Here is help to make this statement true:

I am clear on my personal values

I have play and laughter in my life